The US has never made a gold half dollar of any date, it's likely been gold plated take it to a coin dealer for an idea of value.
The 1946 walking liberty half is a common date, but because it is 90% silver, it is worth around $10.50 in common circulated condition.
A slabbed 1946 Walking Liberty half dollar has a current average retail value of $138.00 in MS-65
The 1946 Walking Liberty half is common and most coins are valued at $12.00-$15.00.
No one dollar coins were made in 1946. The coin is a 1946 Walking Liberty Half Dolllar that is very common and most are valued at $7.00-$9.00
Retail values for this coin are $7.00 to $9.00 in average circulated condition and a nice uncirculated one at $40.00 to $50.00
The 1946 walking liberty half is a common date, but because it is 90% silver, it is worth around $10.50 in common circulated condition.
A slabbed 1946 Walking Liberty half dollar has a current average retail value of $138.00 in MS-65
4-23-11>> 1946 is a not a rare date for walking Liberty halves, if it shows any wear the value is for the silver, about $15.00
The 1946 Walking Liberty half is common and most coins are valued at $12.00-$15.00.
No one dollar coins were made in 1946. The coin is a 1946 Walking Liberty Half Dolllar that is very common and most are valued at $7.00-$9.00
Retail values for this coin are $7.00 to $9.00 in average circulated condition and a nice uncirculated one at $40.00 to $50.00
5-9-11>>> Coins of this series (Walking Liberty) dated from 1940 to 1946 are all very common and have the same retail values of $18.00 in average condition.
$7.50 in bad circulated condition, $8.50 in average circulated condition, $15 in good circulated condition, and $49 in uncirculated condition.
All Walking Liberty Half dollars in average circulated condition regardless of mintmark from 1940 to 1945 and the 1946 Philadelphia issue are valued the same at $7.00-$9.00 this covers the grade range of G-4 to EF-45.
Please turn the coin over and check the denomination on the back. It's a half dollar, not a dollar. There's more information at the question "What is the value of a 1946 US half dollar?"
5-8-11>>> Coins of this series (Walking Liberty) dated from 1940 to 1946 are all very common and have the same retail values of $18.00 in average condition.
You may have an uncirculated coin, but not a proof. Proof sets were discontinued in 1942 due to WWII. Proof coinage wasn't resumed until 1950.Please see the Related Question for more information.