If you know the coin's date and mint mark, please post a new question because those details are extremely important.
Alternately you can check the price guide linked below.
Depending on how much wear the coin has values are $3.00-$5.00
A silver 1829 5 cent coin is worth between £30 and £80
Not much.
The coin has NO silver and is face value.
Check it again, as there was no two cent coin from that year.
Depending on how much wear the coin has values are $3.00-$5.00
The one cent Euro coin is worth 0.6452 of an American cent.
how much is a 2002 20cent coin worth ?
A five cent coin from 2005 is worth five cents.
A silver 1829 5 cent coin is worth between £30 and £80
One cent
its worth $5.00
One cent.
How much a 1901 Magyar 2 cent coin is worth depends on the condition of the coin. In average circulated condition, such a coin is worth 1 US dollar. In fully uncirculated condition, this coin is worth 5 US dollars.
Not much.
A mill is worth 1/10 of a cent.
George Washington is on the 25-cent coin, not the 1-cent coin.