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south wont slaves the north did not

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Q: How were the north and south different?
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Currency differences in north and south?

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How is 90 degres north latitude different from 90 degres latitude?

90 degrees north latitude is different from 90 degrees south latitude is that 90 north is at the north pole 90 south is at the south pole

How are the North and South different from their suggestion of tariffs?

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Is China in North or South Korea?

China, North Korea, and South Korea are all different countries.

How was being a slave in the north different from being a slave in the south?

Slaves were only in the south. None in the north.

In what ways was racism common in both the north and the south?

The different ideas about slavery bought the North and South into conflict. =]

How was segregation different in the north then the south during the 1920s?

unlike he north, segregation in the north was

How is 90.8 N. latitude different from 90. South latitude?

You cannot have 90.8 North. The maximum is 90 North. It is the North Pole. 90 South is the South Pole.

Is Korea still split between north and south?

Yes, North Korea and South Korea are two different countries.

What ways was racism common in both the north and south?

The different ideas about slavery bought the North and South into conflict. =]

Why did North Korea and South Korea separate?

Like in Vietnam, North and South had different opinion about government. North Korea is currently a communist country and South Korea is currently a democracy.

What was life in the North like?

A lot different from the South.