Slaves were only in the south. None in the north.
The north and the south fought because of slavery and because the south wanted to become a different country.
The north didn't have slavery, but did have discrimination. The south did have active overt slavery where people were considered property.
the south wanted slavery because thet thought it was write and the north said it was knot right to be trited that crull
The North believed in a free labor system and the South believed in a slave labor system.
Money is the same in both the North and the South. In different countries the money value is different.
90 degrees north latitude is different from 90 degrees south latitude is that 90 north is at the north pole 90 south is at the south pole
the north and the south both had differnt veiws or belives on tariffs. The North wanted tariffs and the south did not.
China, North Korea, and South Korea are all different countries.
Slaves were only in the south. None in the north.
The different ideas about slavery bought the North and South into conflict. =]
unlike he north, segregation in the north was
You cannot have 90.8 North. The maximum is 90 North. It is the North Pole. 90 South is the South Pole.
Yes, North Korea and South Korea are two different countries.
The different ideas about slavery bought the North and South into conflict. =]
Like in Vietnam, North and South had different opinion about government. North Korea is currently a communist country and South Korea is currently a democracy.
A lot different from the South.