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If the American colonies were to stay in England, America would not be the same. The 13 colonies were the first to allow religious freedom and have religious tolerance as proven in some as history's greatest document such as Mayflower Compact and Maryland's Tolerance. Also if the American colonies were to stay in England there wouldn't be the democratic system of government we have today because the colonies sprouted a system of government called The House of Burgess es which was the start of a representative government which lead to our country today.

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Q: How would it be the disadvantages for the American colonies to stay with England?
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Which if the following goods would you guess that the American colonies did not export to England?


Were the purtians part of the New England colonies?

The Puritans were in no way, Lutheran. The Puritans came from England and were a small, evangelical church that were very pious and shunned anything resembling Catholicism or the Church of England. The Puritans were shunned by the established church in England and came to the American colonies to start a new church. Eventually, they became very arrogant and mistreated the Anglican church from formiing in areas of New England, where the Puritans were dominant. The Lutherans were very similar to the Roman Catholic Church and came from Germany, not England.

What country ruled the early American colonies?

In the New England colonies, it was a Theocracy. This means that they were governed by religious leaders (priests, bishops, etc.) The King had little to no control over these colonies. There were also proprietors, who owned large amounts of land, and governors, who oversaw everything.

In what way did the colonies offer settlers greater political rights than they would have had in England?


Which of the following would be an example of how Great Britain and its American colonies were interdependent?

Which of the following would be an example of how Great Britain and its American colonies were interdependent?Great Britain sold its raw materials to its colonies in the New World.Great Britain got its manufactured goods from the colonies in North America.The colonies traded raw materials with Great Britain for manufactured goods.The colonies made manufactured goods that were sold around the world.

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Would you guess that the American colonies did not export to England?


Which if the following goods would you guess that the American colonies did not export to England?


What goods would you guess that the American colonies did not export to England?

The Colonists probably did not export food items to England. The food was necessary for the survival of the Colonists, so it was exchanged throughout the Colonies.

What would have been the advantages for the American colonies to stay with England?

Then it would be like Canada with a low crime rate and National Health!

Some historians believe that if all the colonies had been charter colonies the American Revolution would not have occured Do you agree?

No, because England had mistreated the colonists, and would have done the same no matter what.

How were Virginia and Massachusetts colonies alike?

They were both colonies of England and settled at approximately the same time. They both also established forms of governance that would lay the groundwork for the future American political system.

Why did Richard Hakluyt urge England to start colonies in the Americas?

He thought colonies would provide markets for England's goods.

Who was the leader of England and the thirteen colonies?

There were no English colonies in the 1500's. The first American English colony wasn't until 1607 and it was Jamestown. IF there had been colonies in the 1500's the leader would have been Elizabeth 1.

How would the New England colonies would have been different if they do not have many tree?

The New England colonies would have been different if there were trees because the soil is rocky and not as fertile

Agreement by which colonies would cooperate in defending against attacks by dutch settlers and American Indians?

it was the New England Confederation. source-Holt American Government, pg 25 -Josh

How would the new England colonies would have been different if they didn't have as many trees?

The New England colonies would have been different if there were trees because the soil is rocky and not as fertile

What was the British view on Mercantilism?

England believed that the colonies were set up for the benefit of England all the products produced in the colonies should go to the mother country (England) were the products would then be sold back to the colonies for really high prices.