No, they were divided about it. The colonists were all English and loyal to the king so action against the king was considered treason. We have the impression that ALL the people in the colonies were ready to revolt. Not true. Washington was against the tea party and made statements about it in letters and to others.
George Washington would be called a traitor from the colonists.
The most famous traitor in American history is Benedict Arnold. He was general for the colonial army during the Revolutionary War but had a dispute with the Continental Congress and decided to switch sides and work for the British. That is called treason.
A traitor.
One example of an act of treason would be trying to overthrow the government or the betrayal of trust or confidence.
They didn't. It was the British who did and they hung him for it.
I have never read they did. You have to remember that ALL were British subjects and the revolution was treason against the king. The colonies were British and so were the colonists.
I have never read they did. You have to remember that ALL were British subjects and the revolution was treason against the king. The colonies were British and so were the colonists.
According to the British Crown this was treason and a hanging offense.
Anything he wanted them to do. If they refused, they could be tried for treason depending on what they refused. Treason is a crime that had the penalty of death.
The colonists risked being targeted by British Parliament, whom was often known for their cruel punishments in regards to treason.
The Declaration of Independence was considered an Act of Treason under British Law, in the eye's of the British Government, the Colonials had defied the King and that was punishable in the utmost fashion... they had committed the highest offence considered at the time
Kings don't ask for advice. He decided that the colonists were in rebellion and ordered more troops into the colonies. As far as he was concerned treason had been committed by the colonists.
it was not considered treason because of the way the cession happened
British leaders said Patrick Henry committed treason.
Since the Americans won the war, there was no punishment. However, if the colonists had lost, the signers of the declaration would likely have been tried and convicted of treason against the king and hung, and their property confiscated.