Colonial Williamsburg is a historical area with buildings dating from 1699 to 1780. Restoration and recreation of the entire colonial town recreated the atmosphere and ideals of 18th century Americans.
Actually, the "main" religion was Anglican, but the colony of Virginia was also very diverse. Mostly any type of Christianity, Baptist, Presbyterian, etc.hi
some jobs that were performed in Colonial Virginia, and elsewhere in Colonial America, included:teachercarpenterbakersawyercooperblacksmithsilversmithcoppersmithteamsterlawyerjudgetax collectorfarmerfarm handshipwrightlumberjacksurveyorbrick makerbricklayermanual laborer
{| |- | Not at this point in time. It was the capital and the colonial buildings are still in existence and can be visited in Colonial Williamsburg. Today the capital is Richmond. |}
The first slaves were brought into Jamestown, Virginia in 1619 during colonial times.
The price of a horse varied depending on the location in colonial times. In colonial Virginia, a horse could be purchased for 1500 pounds of tobacco.
Tobacco. If you visit the Virginia Capitol Bldg, go into the Rotunda, and look up at the decorations painted on the ceiling. Tobacco leaves.
It was a direct democracy.
Virginia State Capitol was created in 1785.
Virginia Capitol Police was created in 1618.
Virginia Colony
The first slaves were brought into Jamestown, Virginia in 1619 during colonial times.
Virginia was a confederate state, the capitol Richmond was the capitol of the entire CSA
West Virginia Capitol Complex was created in 1925.
The Virginia State Capitol, The University of Virginia, Monticello