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Q: Is Nebraska or Kansas a better state in the Kansas and Nebraska act?
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Kansas-Nebraska act

Where did the Kansas-Nebraska Act happen at?

In both Kansas and Nebraska, they were admitted states with popular sovereignty, which means the state chooses if it is a slave state or a free state.

Was Nebraska created from an already existing state?

No it was created by the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.

How did the Kansas-Nebraska act deal with the spread of slavery?


What did Stephen Douglas propose in the Kansas Nebraska act?

the Nebraska territory would open up and be divided into 2 states: nebraska and Kansas. originally, nebraska would have been the free state and kansas the slave state BUT nebraska and kansas would be decided by popular sovereignty

What was written primarily for the state of Kansas?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was primarily written for the state of Kansas. This act allowed for the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether they would allow slavery based on popular sovereignty. It ultimately led to violence and conflict in Kansas known as "Bleeding Kansas."

Why was Kansas Nebraska act so pertaining?

It let settlers decide if they wanted a slave state or not, set boundaries between Kansas and Nebraska, and made both a state.

Who was involved in the Kansas Nebraska act?


What territories were mentioned in the Kansas Nebraska Act?

Kansas and Nebraska

What is true about the kansas Nebraska act?

Kansas and Nebraska were created after the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. The reason for this Act was to open new farmland and create a Transcontinental Railroad.

Who Proposed Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Stephan A. Douglas proposed the Kansas Nebraska Act in 1854.