1941 is a common date for Lincoln pennies, only worth 5-10 cents or so on average.
the average price is about 0.10 to 0.90 cents in US currency
Steel pennies were made in 1943 not 1941.
These weren't made in 1941.
Pennies in 1941 were mostly copper, not nickel, and they're worth about 5 cents.
1941 is a common date for Lincoln pennies, only worth 5-10 cents or so on average.
the average price is about 0.10 to 0.90 cents in US currency
A penny was worth a penny 1D in old money , there was 240 pennys to a pound.
Steel pennies were made in 1943 not 1941.
These weren't made in 1941.
Pennies in 1941 were mostly copper, not nickel, and they're worth about 5 cents.
1941 is a common date, most are valued at 5 to 25 cents.
1941 is a very common date. A circulated coin is worth 2 cents.
1941 is a common date, most are valued at 3 to 25 cents.
1941 is a common date, most are valued at 5 to 25 cents.
1941 is a very common date. A circulated coin is worth 2 cents.