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Type your answer here... free factory workers were treated worse than slaves.

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Q: Southern slave owners criticized factory owners in the North because?
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What did the southern whites criticized northern business owners for?

not caring for their workers

Why did Southern slave owners criticized factory owners in the North?

For trying to protect their industry through tariffs on imported goods, which the South mostly needed, having no industry of their own. It looked like the North taxing the South, and it caused a lot of resentment.

Why would southern slave holders say that they treat their slaves better than northern factory owners did their free labor factor workers?

because southern slaves are stupid

Why did some northern factory owners oppose abolitionism?

They opposed it because they received cotton from the southern plantations for clothes so slavery was also a source of money for them.

How did factory owners react to unionization?

Factory owners reacted with violence

Who said southern owners were virtuous and humane?

Historian Ulrich B. Phillips is known for perpetuating the idea that southern slave owners were virtuous and humane in his book "American Negro Slavery." Phillips argued that slave owners acted out of paternalistic concern for their slaves, a view that has been widely criticized and discredited by modern scholars.

How did the factory owners benefit from industrialization?

Factory owners were in fact "industrialization". Because the industrial base of the North was a significant one, it allowed factory owners to buy equipment from other factories to replace worn parts and add to their factory's output.

Why did factory owners in the Industrial Revolution want to hire?

Factory owners in the Industrial Revolution wanted to hire women because they could pay them lower wages than men.

Why were the Seminoles such a threat to the southern plantation owners?

Because they had more power.

Who would most likely support a democratic candidate in 1896 supporters of tariffs or factory owners or commercial interests or southern farmers?


Is a factory owners equity or asset?

Investment from factory owners is equity and it is shown in balance sheet of business.

Who did the factory owners blame strikes on?

workers who were "Reds" or communists