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Q: The settlers would let the fire in the fireplace go out at night because they didn't want to risk the log cabin Catching Fire?
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The settlers would let the fire in the fireplace go out at night because they didn't want to risk the log cabin catching fire.?


A guy goes into a cabin with no electricity. What does he light first. The candle the fireplace or the wooden stove?

The match

How can you use the word rustic in a sentence?

Example sentence - The log cabin was rustic but warm after we had the wood in the fireplace burning.

The settlers would let the fire in the fireplace go out at night because they didnt want to risk the log cabin Catching Fire?

Sounds like a homework question- since there already a couple like that on here. More likely that you would learn to "bank" a fire (partially covering hot coals with ashes) so that it would last through the night (you did not want to stay up all night feeding the fire, did you?) Remember- no matches to light a fresh fire in the morning- not back then. But uncover the hot coals, add a bit of tinder and kindling, and you have a fire for cooking breakfast.

Other than logs name a feature you might find inside of a log cabin?

fireplace/wood stove antlers bunk beds

How do you use settler in a sentence?

The settler built a small cabin in the wilderness.

What page in the hunger games describes the cement lake cabin?

In Catching Fire the second book in the series, on page 93.

How do you live in Alaska?

A big log cabin with a fireplace, a big parka jacket and jeans, a shotgun, some money (to buy food), and big hunting boots

What type of cabin was typically built by the early settlers to east and central Texas?

Dog trot or dog run cabins.

Where did the word Hoosier come from?

ONE explanation I have heard was the traditional inquiry of early settlers when someone approached their cabin- "Who's here?".

Who built the first log cabin in the US?

There is no specific individual who is credited with building the first log cabin. However, the first log cabin's location was in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe.

Why cabin altitude is not equal to actual altitude?

Because the cabin inside the plane is pressurized?