a rigid social class system.
Increased suburbanization is the development that resulted from the construction of the interstate highway system.
The automobile.
A large estate
a rigid social class system.
The process that establishes the prerequisites for the realisation of agricultural potential is known as agricultural development. These prerequisites include the development of knowledge, the accessibility of technology, and the distribution of inputs and outputs.
It encouraged the development of more large corporations
It encouraged the development of more large corporations
It encouraged the development of more large corporations
It encouraged the development of more large corporations
The shift from an agricultural economy to consumer markets contributed to the rise of the free enterprise system in Europe.
The shift from an agricultural economy to consumer markets contributed to the rise of the free enterprise system in Europe.
Industrialization encouraged urbanization due to the migration of people to cities who came to seek for employment opportunities.
the decline of agricultural economies
What were the main elements of the North's agricultural system?
Population growth- agriculture takes less area to support a group of people than does hunting and gathering.