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Because they were. The loyalist left and the people who were in the newly formed US were Americans.

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Q: Was everyone in the former British colonies considered an American after the Revolutionary war?
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Religious life in the colonies was marked by?

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Who did the authors of the declaration of independence consider American?

Everyone was American. The colonies were comprised of many people from many places. About 60% of the colonies didn't speak English, but they were Americans because they came to make their lives and homes in the colonies.

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Did everyone in the colonies take sides?

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About how many people lived in the 13 colonies in 1760?

almost 2 thousand Another answer: Approximately 1.6 million people.

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Pennsylvaina simply because it had the most population and everyone in the colonies were patriots!

How did Abigail Adams help in the revolutionary war?

cared for everyone! isnt that great!?!?!?

What term is defined as the means by which government compels or forbids certain acts of its citizen?

its laws- a means by which a government compels or forbids certain acts of citizens.....For A+ students only jkjk everyone can use thisanswered by only the best highschool aroundSOCORRO HIGHSCHOOL BULLDOG PRIDEAMM

How and why did Britain attempt to reorganize its n American colonies?

they first taxed the colonists so everyone would know Britain's in charge. this backfired obviously. they did this because they needed resources from America