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A violent clash between proslavery and antislavery forces

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12y ago

Popular Sovereignty was a fine phrase for a proposal by Stephen Douglas to admit new states to the Union with the local population voting whether to be slave or free.

This sounded reasonable enough, and Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), to admit those two states on the basis of Popular Sovereignty.

The first time it was tried, in Kansas, it backfired badly. Bully-boys from both sides moved in to intimidate voters, and the result was called 'Bleeding Kansas' - all too clearly a curtain-raiser for the Civil War.

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11y ago

The people of each state voted on whether slavery would be allowed.

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Q: Was popular sovereignty in the Kansas Nebraska act?
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In the compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 popular sovereignty was proposed as a way to?

'Popular Sovereignty' was the term coined by Stephen Douglas for a local vote on slavery in each new state as it joined the Union. It was the basis of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which was first tested - disastrously - when Kansas was admitted as free soil. This followed the unsuccessful Compromise of 1850, which did not involve Popular Sovereignty.

Why did northerners head for Kansas after the signing of the Kansas- Nebraska act?

They got to choose whether the territory would have slavery by the way of popular sovereignty, which is the people get to have the choice.

What were the 2 states that wanted to be admitted during the Kansas and Nebraska Act?

The Kansas and Nebraska Act, passed in 1854, allowed for the potential admission of two new states: Kansas and Nebraska. Both territories were seeking statehood, with Kansas eventually becoming a free state and Nebraska becoming a slave state. This provision, known as "popular sovereignty," led to increased tensions and the eventual outbreak of violence in Kansas over the issue of slavery.

Why did the southerners support the Kansas-Nebraska act?

Because it could have allowed the creation of new slave-states, if the local population voted for it.

Assess the moral arguments and political actions of those opposed to the spread of slavery in the context Mexican war and kansas-Nebraska act?

The moral and political actions of those opposed to the spread of slavery in the context of The Mexican War and The Kansas-Nebraska Act are very conflicting. With the upset in balance of the Mexican War, antislavery activists were upset about any potential compromise while with the Kansas-Nebraska act, they settled with the idea of them being in a state of popular sovereignty.

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What is a good sentence for Kansas Nebraska act?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 called for "popular sovereignty."

What right did states get through the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

popular sovereignty

What is the name of the legislation during Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?

Popular Sovereignty

What was the law that established popular sovereignty in new territories?

Kansas- Nebraska Act

Repealed the Missouri compromise by instituting popular sovereignty?

Kansas-Nebraska Act

What act was proposed by Stephen Douglass and allowed popular sovereignty in the territories?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

What federal legislation brought the concept popular sovereignty to the territories?

Kansas Nebraska Act

What act led to popular sovereignty to decide the issue of slavery in the new territories?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act.

What law allowed popular sovereignty in several us territories?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

Why did southerners the Kansas Nebraska act?

They thought that granting popular sovereignty would allow slavery

The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide the issue of slavery by popular sovereignty. The people who lived in these territories would be able to vote on whether?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide the issue of slavery by popular sovereignty. The people who lived in these territories would be able to vote on whether slavery would be allowed there. What effect did this have on Kansas?

Where did the Kansas-Nebraska Act happen at?

In both Kansas and Nebraska, they were admitted states with popular sovereignty, which means the state chooses if it is a slave state or a free state.