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Yes, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was a reflected example of Nativism.

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Q: Was the Chinese exclusion act an example of nativism?
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The Chinese Exclusion Act did not allow any Chinese to live in America

What was on effect of the Chinese exclusion act in 1882?

One effect of the Chinese exclusion act in 1882 was that it prohibited Immigration by Chinese laborers.

What measure was passed in 1882 to restrict chineses immigration?

The Chinese Exclusion Act

What one of the effect of Chinese exclusion act of 1882?

One effect of the Chinese exclusion act in 1882 was that it prohibited Immigration by Chinese laborers.

What was one effect of the Chinese exclusion act of 1882?

One effect of the Chinese exclusion act in 1882 was that it prohibited Immigration by Chinese laborers.

Where was the Chinese exclusion act?

The Chinese Exclusion Act was signed in the United States by President Chester A. Arthur in the year 1882.

What was one affect of the Chinese exclusion act in 1882?

One effect of the Chinese exclusion act in 1882 was that it prohibited Immigration by Chinese laborers.

How did Chinese in the us react to the Chinese exclusion act?

The exclusion laws had dramatic impacts on Chinese immigrants and communities.