The Civil War followed naturally from the secession - which was caused by the increasing difficulty of creating new slave-states, so that the South was getting outvoted in Congress, which then tended to pass laws that favoured the North.
Well slavery was a big part of the southern secession.
The main motive of the Civil War in the United States was the conflict over slavery. The Southern states wanted to preserve and expand the institution of slavery, while the Northern states opposed it and sought to abolish it. This disagreement over slavery ultimately led to the secession of the Southern states and the outbreak of the Civil War.
a mini civil war broke out in what state over slavery?
American civil war slavery in the u.s. American civil war slavery in the u.s.
secession was a part of the civil war. the south had succeededfrom the north.
slavery, secession,
I assume you mean the American Civil War. At the beginning, it was purely over secession. Later Lincoln turned it into a war against slavery with his Emancipation Proclamation, partly to make his own demoralised people feel that they were fighting a crusade, but more urgently to keep Britain and France from helping the Confederates (because it would make them look pro-slavery).
Well slavery was a big part of the southern secession.
Slavery State's Rights Secession
The main motive of the Civil War in the United States was the conflict over slavery. The Southern states wanted to preserve and expand the institution of slavery, while the Northern states opposed it and sought to abolish it. This disagreement over slavery ultimately led to the secession of the Southern states and the outbreak of the Civil War.
a mini civil war broke out in what state over slavery?
American civil war slavery in the u.s. American civil war slavery in the u.s.
The Secession of the Confederacy, the abolition of slavery, and the power the Federal Government had.
secession was a part of the civil war. the south had succeededfrom the north.
The constitutional issues relevant to the civil war and reconstruction include the lack of a ban on slavery, secession was also not prohibited by the constitution
slavery, succesion, states' rights... 3 "s"s that caused the civil war
Initially because the USA wanted to save the cotton revenues. On later did Lincoln turn it officially into a war on slavery.