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The northern Parts of Virginia

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Fredrick Jerde

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12y ago

The northern Parts of Virginia

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12y ago

The people of the mayflower thought that they would end up in the northern parts of Virginia

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Q: Were did the mayflower passengers think they were going to settle?
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Where did mayflower passengers think they were going to settle?

The northern Parts of Virginia

Where did the mayflower passangers think they were going to settle?

The Mayflower passengers really had no clue in terms of where they were going to settle. While they believed it would be somewhere down the Eastern seaboard, their arrival in Plymouth pretty much dispelled that.

Why do you think governor Bradford called passengers who were not pilgrims strangers?

Bradford knew the Pilgrims, while he did not know the "strangers."

Why do you think the colonists felt they needed to draw up the Mayflower Compact?

The Mayflower Compact was drawn up with fair and equal laws, for the general good of the settlement and with the will of the majority. The Mayflower's passengers knew that the New World's earlier settlers failed due to a lack of government.

A formal document signed by Pilgrims which set up a civil government?

The Mayflower Compact. (the name came from the name of the ship the Pilgrims had arrived. )

Why do you think Roanoke island was difficult to settle?

Roanoke Island was difficult to settle due to challenges like harsh weather conditions, limited resources, conflicts with Native American tribes, and a lack of support and reinforcements from England. These factors contributed to the failed attempts at settlement on the island.

What was the name of the contract the pilgrims wrote to keep law and order in their colony?

Mayflower compact

What was the document called that was signed in 1620 by the pilgrims that listed their plans for self-government?

the first American government document to be signed in 1620 was the Mayflower compact!

How do you think the Mayflower Compact later governments in America?

The mayflower compact made the colony more good by having a freedom from religion.

What was the Mayflower used for before the pilgrams?

I think it was a cargo ship.

Where is the Mayflower Compact?

Plymouth in America what is now Massachusetts...I think

Your boyfriend and you have been going out for a while and You are not ready to settle down but you do not want to lose him What should you do?

you do what you think it's right and if he loves you he'll understand