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Q: Were the states that were made in the Oregon Country Washington Oregon and California?
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What 3 states border 1 country?

oregon, washington, california

What are all the states in the pacific?

The states are California, Oregon, and Washington (In the United States)

Which contiguous states borders the pacific ocean?

California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska border the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean.

Which states produce the most timber?

Oregon, Washington, and California are the country's largest timber producing states

What three states are bordered on west by the pacific ocean?

California, Oregon, and Washington.

List of west coast us states?

Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington.

What US states touch the Pacific Ocean?

There are five states that touch the Pacific Ocean: Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California and Hawaii.

What three states touch the Pacific Ocean?

The three states that touch the Pacific States are Idaho,Nevada,and Arizona.

What are the five western states in the us?

The five Western states in the US are California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Arizona. These states are located on the western side of the country and are known for their diverse landscapes, from coastal areas to deserts and mountains.

What are the five pacific coast states?

Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington.

What are Oregon's bordering states?

, the states that border Oregon are Washington(North of Oregon), Idaho(East of Oregon), Nevada(Southeast of Oregon) and California(South of Oregon). The Pacific Ocean is located on the West coast of Oregon.

How many states are in the pacific regions?

5 The States Are Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii