the need for new places to get raw materials
Easy way to remember the reasons just remember this sentence:Go To War Never Retreat PleaseG goldT trade with IndiaW water route to IndiaN national resourcesR religious freedomP protection from Spanish attacks
One of the main reasons why African slavery got into North America was the need for cheap manpower to keep farms running. The already prevailing trend of having poor people as slaves also welcomed the idea of having Africans take up the role.
They didn't have to exactly. But there were many reasons the English started to immagrate to North America. The original main reason is to start 'a new life'. Meaning they were unsuccessful in England so they wanted to start over in America. Another reason is separation from the catholic church. They didn't have to exactly. But there were many reasons the English started to immagrate to North America. The original main reason is to start 'a new life'. Meaning they were unsuccessful in England so they wanted to start over in America. Another reason is separation from the catholic church.
Well the main reason was to abolish slavery
because they wanted to
Some reasons for mass immigration:FamineCivil WarsDisease
the need for new places to get raw materials
political freedom, religious freedom, economic opportunities main reasons that people immigrated to the U.S
political freedom, religious freedom, economic opportunities main reasons that people immigrated to the U.S
the war and treaty of paris
its not really them because you see ; second class is the working class so all second class were on there for working reasons =servantscaptaincy'sengineersso it was more what were they doing on the titanic than why
To not kill animals.
Pizza and spaghetti
The main reasons for the initial exploration and settlement in north were dreams of instant wealth. After it became clear that their was no such thing, people moved to the new world for religious tolerance, the promise of land, because of hard ships in England (not enough jobs).
Mecca where Mohammed ( peace be upon him) was born and Madina where he migrated to, when the people of Mecca tried to kill him.