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Q: What are two thing you should consider when deciding where to build your shelter?
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What are 2 things you should consider when deciding where to build you shelter?

Safety and Comfort.

How do you build a feral cat shelter?

A ferral cat should have no trouble finding shelter and won't be inclined to use it unles you domesticate it.

How do you build shelter for a feral cat?

A ferral cat should have no trouble finding shelter and won't be inclined to use it unles you domesticate it.

Do koalas build shelter?

No, koalas do not build shelter. They shelter in eucalyptus trees, resting in the forks of trees or on branches, but they neither build shelters nor do they use hollows or other forms of shelter.

You often use geography when you are deciding where to build a neighborhood?

Geography is a significant determinant when deciding what to build. The topography of a neighborhood determines whether a builder can build in the area.

What kind of shelter will be build in Saturn?

You will build spaceshelters.

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Do seals make shelter?

No. Seals shelter around sand dunes and on rocky beaches. They neither build a shelter, not burrow for shelter.

Do lions build their homes?

No, mountain lions do not build any form of shelter. They take shelter where ever they can find it in nature when they need it.

Do toucans build their on shelter?

Toucans do not build their own shelter. They nest in abandoned tree holes that other birds and animals leave behind.

What did the Mogollon use to build their homes and why did they need such shelter?

The Mogollon used adobe bricks, stones, and timber to build their homes. They needed such shelter to protect themselves from the harsh desert climate, including extreme heat during the day and cold at night, as well as to seek safety from potential threats.