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Q: What colony is the home to yeoman farmers from the 13 colonies?
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Which colony was home to largest number of Quakers?

the middle colonies

Which English colony was founded as a home for English colonies?

All English colonies were founded as homes for English colonists. That's kind of the whole point of a colony.

What colony grew to be the home to the largest city in the thirteen colonies?


What do you call ants home?

Ants live in structures called anthills or ant colonies. These colonies are typically made up of intricate tunnels and chambers where the ants nest, store food, and care for their young.

Why was the colonies important?

the Pennsylvania colony provided a home for the quakers and allowed people to practice thier different religions

Who migrated to the American colonies as a results of long wars and the difficulty in getting land in their home countries?

German and Scottish farmers.

Lived mostly in the southern colonies?

Many different types of people have lived in the southern colonies. Throughout history, however, the South has been the home to many subsistence farmers.

Two of the 13 original colonies were north and south what?

Two of the 13 original colonies were North Carolina and South Carolina. North Carolina was home to Roanoke's mysterious lost colony.

What did farmers do?

Farmers eat everything we do. Perhaps many years ago because geographically they were not as close to stores they may have eaten less processed foods and more "down home cooking" because of the availability.

Long wars and the difficulty in getting land in their home countries were key factors in the imagination of what countries to the American colonies?

german and scottish farmers

What were the first of the original thirteen colonies?

Virginia was the home of the very first settlement in 1607 with Jamestown and then in 1620 came the Pilgrims to Massachusetts and Plymouth colony.

What is the 13th colony on battlestar galactica?

In the television series "Battlestar Galactica," the thirteenth colony is called "Earth." However, it is revealed later in the series that Earth was not the thirteenth colony of the Twelve Colonies but rather a distant planet that the survivors of the Twelve Colonies were searching for as a new home.