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The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.

~A.K. =)

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The compromises that the north and south reached were the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850.

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Q: What compromises did the north and south reach?
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Compromise between north and south?

The compromises that the northern and southern states reached were the great compromise and the Three-Fifthy compromise

What were two compromises and one act that tried to solve the conflict between the North and the South over the west?

compromises: Compromise of 1850, and the Missouri Compromise Act: the Kansas Nebraska act :)

What was the purpose of the US congressional compromises leading up to the US Civil War?

Compromises between the North and the South began with the writing of the US Constitution, however, in the 19th century, three major compromises were made between the North and the South. The purpose of the compromises were to keep the number of free states and slave states equal in number. The last compromise can be said to be the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. There citizens would vote on slavery in there own territories. The US Congress, thereby washed its hands of the old style compromises. The people within territories would vote on the issue, Congress retreated from the slavery issue battle.

Describe the various attempts to find a compromise between the demands of the North and the South?

The government drew imaginary lines, north of which slavery would be illegal, such as the Mason-Dixon line. There were formal compromises, such as the Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850.

How did the Dred Scott Decision widen the gap between the North and the South?

Most unexpectedly, it declared that slavery was legal in every state of the Union. Obviously the South was overjoyed. But Northern abolitionists were outraged. And the rest of the North were simply exasperated because it looked as though all the work that had gone into the Compromises had been wasted.

Related questions

What comprises did the North and South reach?

It's compromises sorry... I made a mystake before

What compromise did north and south reach?

The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.~A.K. =)

Who was famous for arranging compromises between the North and the South?

Henry Clay.

Compromise between north and south?

The compromises that the northern and southern states reached were the great compromise and the Three-Fifthy compromise

What were two compromises and one act that tried to solve the conflict between the North and the South over the west?

compromises: Compromise of 1850, and the Missouri Compromise Act: the Kansas Nebraska act :)

Which compromises might have forestalled the division between the North and the South?

To allow California to join the Union as two states - North California and South California - divided by the line of the Missouri Compromise.

What caused the issue that the north and south fought over in the government when they avoided the slavery issue by the compromises?

The issue that the North and South fought over was called the Wilmot Proviso. It was basically a law of slavery: the North and South were fighting over slavery. The North were anti-slavery and the South were pro-slavery

What direction would you to get to North Carolina from South Dakota?

Departing South Dakota you would travel southeast to reach North Carolina.

What laws helped keep the peace between the North and South before the 1860's?

A series of compromises, to reassure the South that Congress was not favouring Northern interests at their expense.

Who was the first person to reach the north pole in antarctica?

The first person to reach the geographic North Pole was Robert Peary in 1909. Antarctica is located at the South Pole, and the first person to reach the South Pole was Roald Amundsen in 1911.

How does Lincoln attempt to reconcile or reach out to both the north and the south in his speeches?

He used the bible to affirm both the North and the South.

What was the purpose of the US congressional compromises leading up to the US Civil War?

Compromises between the North and the South began with the writing of the US Constitution, however, in the 19th century, three major compromises were made between the North and the South. The purpose of the compromises were to keep the number of free states and slave states equal in number. The last compromise can be said to be the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. There citizens would vote on slavery in there own territories. The US Congress, thereby washed its hands of the old style compromises. The people within territories would vote on the issue, Congress retreated from the slavery issue battle.