By using some long, thin poles and the skin of the bison, deer, elk or other large animal (all of which they carried with them), Native Americans built a tepee (tipi). The trick was to take the few sticks and tie then together near one end, and then stand the contraption up. After covering it with the hides, they had a fairly weatherproof and warm structure in which they could sleep. Use the link below to check facts, see pictures and gather more information.
Native Americans used eggs in a variety of ways. They would break them open and eat them raw for much nourishment. Sometimes they would bake them or scramble them. They also fed them to their horses to make them faster and give them endurance. The most unheard of thing that Native Americans did with eggs was on a certain night of the year, they would run around egging each others tepee's and horses just for fun.
The used it to make medicines
Native Americans used a few different tools to make their homes. Some of the tools used were spears, bows, arrows, and arrow heads.
Europeans carried out the use of native Americans as slaves the most
used the oil to make medicine and water proof canoes
they sleep eat. and in the chief's they have council meetings.
Native Americans used eggs in a variety of ways. They would break them open and eat them raw for much nourishment. Sometimes they would bake them or scramble them. They also fed them to their horses to make them faster and give them endurance. The most unheard of thing that Native Americans did with eggs was on a certain night of the year, they would run around egging each others tepee's and horses just for fun.
The Lakota used buffalo hide to use as blankets for the winter and other seasons.
Native Americans used redwood trees to make canoes, and build houses.
No the native americans did not use fences.
to make clothes and shoes
because it was a tradion
The used it to make medicines
what hey used for everything, wood
the native Americans did not have sheep