Corporate colonies were funded by joint-stocks and allowed the investors to have a say in how to run the colony. It was the least concreted to the king because anyone could have a say in how to run them.Royal colonies were under the direct authority of the king, he appointed a loyal governor to run the colony. It was the most strict form of colonization, in the aspect of how involved the king was.
mordor, dale, the shire, and river run
Patroons which were people that obtained land for bringing at least 50 settlers to the colonies/Proprietary colonies which were colonies that were run by one person/Royal colonies were colonies that the king owned but the colonists made the local laws/Also there was the incident where William Penn received land from the king because he owed his father
yes it has awalys been run from a private firm the federal reserve is a private company.
own property run small farms Lives in cities and own animals on the farm- dogs.
IN the south they had more farms, therefore they needed slaves to run the farms
Spain ruled its empire in the Americas through a system known as the encomienda system, which granted conquistadors land and the right to extract labor and resources from indigenous people. They also established viceroys and appointed officials to govern the colonies, while enforcing strict control through laws and regulations known as the Laws of the Indies. The Catholic Church played a significant role in spreading Spanish influence and converting the indigenous populations to Christianity.
collective farms
The routes offered by Iberia Airlines tend to run out from Spain. This includes many services to mainland Europe and the United Kingdom, as well as the Americas.
They run chicken farms.
They are good for farms but they can be used for family pets, but you have to have a lot of space for it to run
In Africa
The people of the New England colonies, for the most part, came to America so they could practice their chosen religion freely. The Southern settlers usually came to America for a business opportunity or for an entrepreneurial purpose. While both colonies had slavery at one time, it was much more common in the south than the north. The southern colonies tended to have large farms or plantations, while those in the New England colonies tended to be small. The southern colonies tended to be predominantly members of the Anglican church, while the religions in the New England colonies were more diverse.
Collective farms
By hard work.