Martha Curtis is the wife of George Washington. She was called Patsy Washington because her father called her Patsy. Therefore, George Washington the first President called his wife Patsy not Martha Washington. So they were really George and Patsy Washington. (another answer) Martha Curtis is a great violinist who struggled with many social and physical restraints. George Washington's wife's name was Martha Custis. C-U-S-T-I-S
Mr. Walcott, a village man, accuses Martha Corey over a dispute about Martha not paying him back for pig that she sold him that died.
Okay, you know that it is Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, Martha Jefferson, and Dolley Madison. Well, next are Elizabeth Monroe, Louisa Adams, Rachel Jackson, Hannah Van Buren, Anna Harrison, Letitia Tyler, and Julia Tyler.
what did john parker invent in his older times i was just wandering
the flare
enginerring! :)
Martha Scott died on May 28, 2003 at the age of 90.
For the times in which she lived she became, "quite well off."
There are many inventors that were women. The woman who invented the night flare was called by the name of Martha Coston.
Tim Coston's birth name is Timothy Coston.
Henry Coston was born in 1910.
Henry Coston died in 2001.
Jim Coston is 6' 2".
Jeff Coston was born on 1955-10-15.
In the early 1900s.
Tim Coston was born on December 15, 1970, in Kailua, Hawaii, USA.