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The mothers would wrap their baby in moss and furs and attach them to a peice of wood called a cradle. She would carry the baby on her back while getting food or find a convinient tree to cradle the baby from. The babies would also stay outside in the cradle in front of the house.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

For the majority of native Americans, they did not carry very much and (since they lived in semi-permanent villages) they did not travel far. In the woodlands area of the eastern USA and Canada, canoes were used to transport heavy goods such as furs for trading.

On the Plains with its enforced nomadic lifestyle, everything was deliberately made as lightweight as possible. There was no pottery, since pots are heavy, no wooden furniture, no heavy building materials and so on. The heaviest items were the tipi poles and the buffalo hide tipi covers; both were easily transported by means of travois drawn by horses.

In the absence of pottery, cooking was done (before traders brought iron pots) in buffalo stomachs stretched on a frame, filled with water and heated with red-hot stones dropped in and frequently replaced. Clothing, food and other small items were packed into large rawhide envelopes called "parfleches"; warbonnets and other sacred items could be carried in tubular rawhide containers closed at each end, usually painted and fringed.

The Plains nomads mastered the art of "travelling light" through necessity.

The links below take you to images of travois, parfleches and other rawhide containers:

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Something like todays baby carriers

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