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they gave Africans guns, bullets, and other military weapons and tools

they gave the Americans the slaves who paid them in goods eg fabric, button's, sugar etc.

then they took these goods and sold them to other countries and went back and collected more slaves

research the triangle of trade it will tell you all this info and in more detail

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Q: What did the Americans trade for slaves in the slave trade?
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Who was a British opponent of the slave trade?

British opponents of the slave trade were Americans and French because the Americans did not like slaves and they did not want there to be slaves in British territories

What did the Atlantic slave trade trade?

slaves hence the name Atlantic SLAVE trade

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slaves were the most important things in the slave trade

How did the Americans feel about the African slave trade?

i dont think they had any felling for them but the slaves must of been very sad and horrified

Whats the difference between African and American slave trade?

The African slave trade involved the capture and forced transportation of Africans to be sold as slaves within Africa and to other regions like the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East. The American slave trade refers specifically to the transatlantic slave trade, which involved the forced transportation of Africans to the Americas to be enslaved on plantations. The American slave trade was a subset of the broader African slave trade.

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Portugal, which played an important role in both the beginning of the Atlantic Slave Trade as well as the Asian Slave Trade, always used slaves for economic reasons. They originally used slaves as a medium of trade.

Who stoped slave trade?

The slave trade has not been stopped - there are still slaves in parts of the modern world.

When the international slave trade ended how did the slaves trade continue?

Slave families were split up ~APEX~

How were the rights to slaves in west African cultures different from the rights of slaves in the Atlantic slave trade?

In West African cultures, slaves were allowed to own slaves of their own, while those in the Atlantic slave trade were not.

What did the spanish begin the Atlantic slave trade?

No. Slave trade has been going on for thousands of years. The Greeks and Romans bought and sold slaves and for every war they took slaves. The Spanish in the Southwest used Native Americans as slaves. Columbus on his 2 nd voyage took 1200 Native Americans as slaves, but at one point in the American colonies slaves could escape to Florida and the Spanish to find freedom. They could own businesses, go to school, buy property.

How were the rights granted to slaves in West Africa cultures different from the rights of slaves in the Atlantic slave trade?

In West African cultures, slaves were allowed to own slaves of their own, while those in the Atlantic slave trade were not.