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they lose when t old tom fool died

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Q: What did the confederacy win at Chancellorsville and what did they lose?
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What did confederacy win at the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Hooker's army beat a hasty retreat back to Washington.

Who won the Chancellorsville battle?

The Confederacy (South) won at Chancellorsville.

Who won the Battle of Chancellorsville the union or the confederacy?

Confederacy lost General Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson at the battle of Chancellorsville.

Who was in charge in the Battle of Chancellorsville?

At the battle of Chancellorsville, it was General Robert E. Lee for the Confederacy and Joseph Hooker for the Union.

What did the confederacy win at the chancellorsville and what did they lose?

In the April/May 1863 Battle of Chancellorsville, the Confederacy won a battle against a much larger army thanks to the superior leadership of General Robert E. Lee. Through this victory, it gained increased confidence in its military ability while also turning back yet another attempted Union invasion of the South. It also lost one of its most respected and skilled officers, General "Stonewall" Jackson, who was killed by friendly fire during the battle.

Did the confederates win the Battle of Chancellorsville?


Did the confederacy lose the war or did the union win the war?

The Confederacy won the First Battle of Bull Run.

The importance of the Battle of Vicksburg was that it was the last chance for the Union to win.?

No. It was the last chance for the Confederacy to win. After that, their only hope was that Lincoln would lose the 1864 election.

When did the confederate win the battle of Chancellorsville?

May of 1863

Where did Robert E. Lee win at May 4 1863?


Where did Robert E. Lee lose his arm?

Stonewall Jackson had his left arm amputated at the Battle of Chancellorsville.

What was the outcome of chancellorsville?

The Battle of Chancellorsville was in the end, won by the Confederacy tactically but it was a HUGE strategic failure. Because of a friendly fire incident, one of the Confederacy's best generals, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, died of pneumonia through an infected wound. Many historians believe that had Jackson lived, the Confederacy would have won at Gettysburg. Lee would never find a general as brilliant as Jackson again.