People around the time of 1787 opposed a strong National Government because of the fact that they were scared of a government that was similar to the Parliament of Britain. Finally receiving their independence from the Parliament of Britain, people in the United States wanted to prevent a government from forming that was similar to the British Parliament. this sucks
William Richardson Davie supported the powers of National Government and wanted the Constitution to be ratified.
Basically it was a compromise between the larger states that wanted congressional representation to be based on population, and the smaller states that wanted congressional representation to be equal among the states irrespective of population. The compromise resulted in our current form of government with the members of the House of Representatives being apportioned according to population and the members of the Senate being apportioned at two per state.
If by "government" you mean "federal government" then they wanted the Congress to have the most power because it gave more power to states through direct representation. If by "government" you mean "any government in the United States", then they wanted the states to have more power, similarly to the Articles of Confederation, the States' rights movements of the 1800s, and later the Confederate States of America
Republican (they were actually democrats, but when political parties were first starting, democrats were called republicans and republicans were called federalists)...sorry if i confused you, but just say republican and you will be fine. ha
It was not the Great Comprimise, or my wiener. So it must be the three fifths comprimise.
The 13 states feared a national government that would control the states. The states wanted the government to have limited power, and to have checks and balances.
They wanted to prevent an abuse of national government.
He wanted the states to be more powerful than the national government
The Democratic-Republicans, who were opposed to the Federalists.
The Articles of Confederation was a weak government. Shays Rebellion demonstrated this fact when government authorities could not decide whether the state or the national government should put down the revolt. Larger states wanted to do away with the Articles of Confederation because they thought the central government needed to be stronger while smaller states wanted to keep the Articles of Confederation because they were afraid of having a strong central government.
Positive consiquences of limited national government meant that states could not do what they wanted. Negative meant no united goals.
It wanted a strong national government - apex
No, they wanted a small government. They were more focused on the states' rights. Supporters of Adams (National Republicans) were in favor of the strong central gov.
they wanted to help one another to have a powerful goverment
Funding and Assumption. He wanted a National Bank to assume the nations debt
He wanted to limit federal power and wanted to reduce the role of government in people's lives. He believed that under the Federalists the national government had taken on powers that belonged to the states.