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States' Rights - including the right to own slaves.

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Q: What do confederacy stand for?
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Did the native Americans help the north in the civil war?

no <><><> There was a unit of Cherokee Cavalry lead by Stand Watie that fought for the Confederacy.

What are the confederated flags on cars stand for in 2007?

it means that they are generally from the South and still believe in the confederacy. They also believe in the southern values.

Was it necessary for the Confederacy to capture Fort Sumter?

Clearly the stand off between the Confederacy and President Lincoln's vow to protect federal property, did not necessitate the capture of Fort Sumter. Jefferson Davis knew that by doing so an armed conflict would be the result. With that said, the South would have continued to continue but the valuable harbor of Charleston would be denied to the Confederacy and worse, the Confederacy would have to sustain a lesser status.

In Star Wars what does CIS stand for?

It stands for Confederacy of Independent Systems It means the Separatists led by Count Dooku (or Darth/Lord Tyrannus) such as on Geonosis in episode 2. And yes Anikan/ Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker's father.

What does CIS for a droid meaning stand for?

In Star Wars, CIS stands for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which were called the Seperatists, who were trying to succeed from the Galactic Republic.

Who opposed Confederacy?

since the confederacy was the south. the confederacy was opposed by the north

How can you use the word confederacy in a sentence?

The Confederacy lost the United States Civil War.The states formed a confederacy. We joined the confederacy.

What confederacy did the oneida belong?

the Iroquois confederacy

Was the Gettysburg battle the union or confederacy?


Who had more slaves Union or Confederacy?


Was Kansas part of the union or the confederacy?


Was Illinois and Georgia apart of the confederacy?

Illinois was never part of the Confederacy. Georgia was part of the Confederacy.