No one knows, because they still are discovering them.
they were dumb
There were three tribes that mainly lived in Venezuela. The first one is the Akawaio Indians, The Summi Indians, and the Yeshret Indians
The Cherokee Indian tribe was one of the few indian tribes to live in log cabins, and were very advanced at the time.cherokee
IF there where no birthdays or months no one will be born
it is birthdays and Christmas
Prob(two sets of matched birthdays) = 1 - [Prob(No matched birthdays)] + [Prob(One set of matched birthdays)] = 0.63
You will have celebrated 31 birthdays, and be pretty close to your 32nd.
One can get a list of celebrity birthdays for the month of June when one goes on the website of Famous Birthdays. Famous people born in June include Blake Shelton, Nathan Morris, Willa Holland, etc.
Birthdays are not specifically mentioned in the Bible, so their significance in the sight of God is not clearly defined. Some Christians see birthdays as an opportunity to celebrate life and thank God for another year. Others may view birthdays as a cultural or personal tradition with no inherent spiritual significance. Ultimately, how one chooses to observe birthdays is a personal decision.
He hired a prostitute!
Aug. 9
An average person will have one birthday per year.
Fragapane Phobia; fear of celebrating birthdays -one who does not wish for anyone,including family and friends, to acknowledge or celebrate their birthday.
Seriously? One. Everybody has one birthday.
its you or one of your friends birthdays