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It means it was made at the San Francisco mint.

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Q: What does the S mean on a 1884 silver dollar?
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What is a s mint mean on 1884 to 1922 silver dollar mean?

An "S" mintmark just means that the coin was made in the San Fransisco Mint.

What is the value of an 1884 S Lady Liberty Silver Dollar?

Type your answer here... do u mean a morgan dollar? if so what shape is it in good shape is about $30 cc is where the money is

What does s mean on silver dollar?

s stands for sophie

What is 1884 silver dollar with a 'copy' on it and 'S' mark in back?

If it's a copy, then it's not worth much of anything. It's probably silver-plated copper or zinc.

What does a s mint mark on a Ike silver dollar mean?

The "S" means it was made in San Francisco.

What does s mean under the Eagle 1921 Lady Liberty Silver Dollar?

That is the Mintmark.It is the S Mintmark.

What percentage of silver in 1971 silver dollar?

If it is a "S" mintmark Eisenhower dollar, it's 40% silver, if not, no silver.

How much is a 1884 s Morgan silver dollar ms 63 worth?

The 1884-S Morgan is a common date/mint coin in the circulated grades. But in the Mint State grades, it becomes a "Conditional Rarity" and do have much higher values.A certified MS-63 example of this coin currently has a market value of $38,000.00 to $40,000.00.

How much is a 1980 s mint silver dollar worth?

1 dollar

What is the value of a Ulysses S. Grant gold silver dollar.?

One dollar.

What does the S above the word dollar on a silver dollar stand for?


What is the value of an 1880-S MS65 US silver dollar?

Currently a 1880 S Morgan silver dollar in MS65 uncirculated condition is worth $156.