The red and white stripes represent the original 13 colonies.
Each color of the U.S. flag has a specific representation. Blue was used to represent freedom and perseverance, white was used to represent innocence and purity, and red was used to represent blood and war.
There are 13 red and white stripes on the USA flag to represent the 13 original colonies
The red and white stripes on the flag represent the original 14 colonies
There are 50 stars on the United States flag. They are all white and on a blue background. They represent the 50 states in the United States.
i dont no... someone tell me!
the blue is water and the white is wind
13, to represent the original 13 colonies
Surely a white cross on a white flag is a white flag ! I surrender !
America: 13 strips- 13 original colony's 50 stars- 50 states
the colours in the Greek flag are blue and white.
the white flag means hope and freedom
The white on the Panama flag means peace between the people.
Its not called the England flag it's called the Union Flag and the white stripes represent the Scotish Soltire.
The shade of blue is not established in law. It has varied through the flag's history. Presently darker blues are used. Like te Israeli flag a cerulean blue is appropriate.
There are 13 lines in the US flag because it shows that the USA started out as the 13 colonies, and shows how they have grown from there, the 50 white stars on the blue background are for the current 50 states,