Black people,that is the former slaves.
The Union is a group of states that disagree with slaves and the Confederate is a group of states that believe in slaves.
A group is not 'made' it is formed or created. The answer would be th NAACP (The National Association fotr the Advancement of Coloured People).
As a result of the 1712 New York Slave Revolt, New York's legislature toughened its slave laws. No more than three slaves could gather in a group. Slaves could not handle firearms. Slaves could not gamble. Crimes such as property damage, rape, and conspiracy to kill were punishable by death. Free blacks could not own land. When a master freed a slave, the master was required to pay two hundred pounds security to the government and a twenty-pound annuity to the freed slave.A law was passed to discourage the freeing of slaves.A law was passed to discourage the freeing of slaves
the dutches
free slaves from the south
Freed former slaves received the right to vote.
The Klu Klux Klan
The Confederates, they were formed during the Civil War. They were for Slavery while the North was not. They influenced the US since the slaves were free but they were still treated differently than others until the Civil Right Act in the 1960s.
runaway slaves.
Andrew Johnson's group had the harshest reconstruction plan after the Civil War. This did not include any protection for people who had been slaves.
None. The emancipation proclamation said that it freed the slaves in the south but what if someone far away from you said they wanted you to mail your life savings to them or else they would pitch a fit would you do it?
The Freedman's Bureau
The black codes were southern laws passed after the US Civil War which were designed to restrict freed blacks' activity.
Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves, African Americans, or blacks, whatever you want to call them.