1937 is not a rare date for Lincoln cents. In circulated condition, it's worth about 3 cents. A nice uncirculated one is worth about a dollar.
A 5 cent 1937 buffalo coin is exactly 12,000 dollars in the years through 2010-2025.
1937 is a very common date for buffalo nickels, worth around $1 on average.
It's worth 5 cents.
Despite the age, they're common dates, usually only worth a few cents each.
1937 is a common date for Lincoln cents. If circulated, it's worth about 2 cents. A nice uncirculated coin is worth about 50 cents.
1937 is not a rare date for Lincoln cents. In circulated condition, it's worth about 3 cents. A nice uncirculated one is worth about a dollar.
If in circulated condition, probably about 5 cents, however it could be up to 50 cents in good condition.
A 5 cent 1937 buffalo coin is exactly 12,000 dollars in the years through 2010-2025.
1937 is a very common date for buffalo nickels, worth around $1 on average.
Most are worth 3 to 10 cents
It's still worth 5 cents in Canada.
In circulated condition it's worth about 25 cents.
Value is 10 cents to $1.25 depending on grade.
5 cents
About 5 cents
It's worth 5 cents.