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Major Foreign Policy: With the Civil war going on, both the North and the South wanted alliances with European countries. Britain was supporting the South, until the Emancipation Proclamation was enacted, and then they realized that if they would still support the South, they would have been seen as slavery supporters. Due to the fact that the South had support from the British, three destroyers were built. They were known as the Alabama, Florida and Shenandoah. Together, they destroyed over 250 Union ships. The French did want to support the Confederacy, but Napoleon III decided that once the war began, they would stay out of any conflict. The French did take advantage of the war because the internal fighting did violate the Monroe Doctrine. Napoleon III deployed soldiers to Mexico after debts were not paid to France and created. After the Civil War was finished, Lincoln sent troops into Mexico and Napoleon III demanded his troops to be withdrawn.

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