All silver dollars from 1922 to 1935 carry the Peace design. There has never been a Walking Liberty silver dollar, only a 50¢ piece, and these were not struck in 1922.
Yes there is, .36169oz.
The 1946 walking liberty half is a common date, but because it is 90% silver, it is worth around $10.50 in common circulated condition.
1943 the highest mintage of the walking liberty half dollars, have retail values of $8.00-$9.00 for coins of medium wear.
It's a Walking Liberty half dollar with a value of about $13.00
Uncirculated coins have no wear. They have not been used.
A 1992 American Eagle Bullion Silver Dollar in MS65 condition is worth: $24.00.
Post a new question with a date, condition and mintmark if there is one.
The uncirculated 1995 is about $17.00 as of this date.
What is the worth of the 2005 Walking Liberty silver uncirculated?
A Walking Liberty half dollar has .36169oz of silver.
Exactly $100.
Current retail is around $10
These are both considered common dates for Walking Liberty Half Dollars. In circulated condition, their value will be based mainly on the silver they contain -- currently $2.50 to $3.00 apiece.
A 1936 Walking Liberty half dollar has .36169oz of silver.
No, but there are "Walking Liberty" American Silver Eagle coins.
It's worth any where from $75-$100 sealed in mint condition.