sam Houston is known for leading the Mexican troups while santa Anna backed down and ran away while sam Houston was shot in the ankle and still lead the Mexican troops .
as you know sam Houston was president for two or three times .
he had a wife and 8 kids .. NO KIDDING !! he also had a drinking problem .
Houston is named after Sam Houston
Houston was nicknamed after Sam Houston.
Sam Houston ordered it to be destroyed into tiny pieces!
Sam Houston and Susanna Dickinson were not related.
Sam Houston was not a president of the united states
Sam Houston in Knoxville
Sam Houston School house is in Maryville, TN. (Otherwise known as Blount County)
Sam Houston was known for his charismatic and larger-than-life personality. He was a skillful orator and a strong leader who was fiercely devoted to the principles of liberty and self-governance. Houston was also known for his charm, wit, and ability to connect with people from all walks of life.
Houston is named after Sam Houston
Sam Houston was known for his charisma, courage, and resilience. He was a skilled public speaker with a commanding presence, known for his ability to inspire and lead others. Houston was also known for his tactical military skills and his dedication to the pursuits of justice and equality.
Sam Houston He was a US Senator at the time
Houston was nicknamed after Sam Houston.
William Rogers Houston was Sam Houston's son.
Sam Houston's mother was Elizabeth Paxton Houston.
He was not.
Sam Houston's mother was Elizabeth Paxton Houston.
Sam Houston's father was Major Samuel Houston.