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Q: What is the 1916-1945 mercury dime set worth?
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What is a 1983 no s dime proof set worth?

August 21, 2009 The 1983 no "S" dime proof set has a value of $1000.

What is on the reverse of a mercury head dime?

The reverse of the Winged Liberty Head ("Mercury") dime displays an ancient fasces, the symbol of power and justice, set off by an olive branch of peace. Plus the words "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"; "E PLURIBUS UNUM"; and "ONE DIME".

1984 dime mint in S what is it worth?

The S mint mark on a dime dated 1984 indicates that it was a proof dime minted in San Francisco for inclusion in special sets sold to collectors. My guess is that someone broke up the set and spent the coins for face value .... not a wise move, because what was formerly a coin worth maybe 60 cents as part of a set worth 7 or 8 bucks, is now only worth a dime.

What is a 2010 dime worth?

They are worth 10 cents. There is no collector value to a new coin unless it is a proof set or an error.

Who was the model for the mercury dime?

The designer of the Winged Liberty Dime, more commonly called the Mercury Dime, Adolph Weinman, never said who the model was and no one has ever claimed to have been her. However, some evidence has been set forth indicating it may have been a woman named Elsie Stevens who was the wife of lawyer and poet Wallace Stevens.

Why is 1999 silver proof set worth so much?

Because of the silver content in the dime, quarter(s) and half dollar.

How much are dimes from World War 2 worth?

A world war ii silver dime set is worth 20 dollars

How much is a 2000 United States mint proof set worth?

contains 1 dollar, half dollar,dime, nickel, and penny

What is a 1971 dime with no mint mark worth?

10 cents. It is struck in copper-nickel and unless it is a proof coin or in a special mint set, it has no collector premium just like any other dime struck after 1964.

What is the value of wartime coinage set with U.S. war office seal?

Not very much. It probably contains a steel cent (worth about 5 - 10 cents), a silver nickel (25 c - $1), and a Mercury dime ($1 - $1.50). A flea market booth will probably try to get $10.

Is my 1970 mint set rare. it does have the dime without the s on it you have been told its rare?

A 1970 Uncirculated Mint set would not have a dime with a "S" mintmark, only a Proof set will have a dime with a "S" mintmark for that year, so no your mint set is not rare.

What is a 1916-1945 Mercury dime set worth?

You need to know the condition and mint mark of each coin in the set, so it's a bit impractical to try to give a thumbnail value without more details, especially given the number of coins involved. There are lists of values at many sites - see the link below for a one. Please see