Though Orders of Protection are civil rather than criminal in jurisdiction, they are usually put in place to protect someone who is under either the direct or indirect threat of violence from another. As a result, violation of an Order of Protection is punishable by arrest, Contempt of Court charges and incarceration.
Corporal punishment was the order of the day, for both boys and girls. Mess about, be cheeky etc and expect the cane or the birch.
Anyone found to have infringed a copyrighted work may be liable for statutory damages up to $30,000 for each work infringed and, if willful infringement is proven by the copyright owner, that amount may be increased up to $150,000 for each work infringed. In addition, an infringer of a work may also be liable for the attorney's fees incurred by the copyright owner to enforce his or her rights
Many people are against cruel and unusual punishment. It is against the 8th Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Corporal punishment is punishing the body: spanking, hitting, etc. It has been here as long as there have been people here.
Define what you mean by a "protective order." If you are referring to a 'restraining order" or a 'keep-away order' any violation of it could result in your immediate arrest.
Negative Punishment
Negative Punishment
A legal rule establishes the boundaries of acceptable behavior in society, while punishment is the consequence for breaking those rules. Punishment serves as a deterrent to future violations of the rules and helps to maintain social order.
This is the same thing as say breaking a TV. If it is not yours, it could be considered vandalism. The highest punishment for this would be a fine and maybe a night in jail.
Potato SALAD
In the 10 commandments were not consequences for breaking it.
protective layer or cuticle that prevents the body fluids from breaking them down.
the punishment for breaking poor laws was being walked through a village and whipped until u bleed
Facing a severe punishment for breaking a law in a foreign country
Punishment for getting caught breaking a law, like going to jail.
Jail is where you go as punishment for breaking laws. It's not a drawing school.