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Q: What is the most influential element in the culture of the us?
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Your answer may depend on which culture you believe will be the most influential for you -- which language you understand and relative to the kinds of stories you want to tell.

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It does not at least not in size, However it does in its culture because both have drawn many of their most culturally influential people from a European background.

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Because the US in one of the world largest and most influential Financial markets.

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James Maddison

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One could argue many things, but the most important one is that Mexico has the closet proximity to the US than other countries. Mexico influences not only the United States, but all the Latin American countries through the media and through culture. You will not find a better culture than the Mexican culture. The best food, the best traditions, and full of family time.

What were the two most influential newspapers during the US Civil War?

The two most influential newspapers during the US Civil War era were the New York Tribune and the New York Herald. Both had a national readership, and were located in New York City.

What is the main culture of the US?

The most European culture of the U.S. is German. I'm not sure about other continents.

What impacted culture most in America?

Many people would have impacted culture in America. Depending on what state/area you are in will change who impacted the culture the most as there are lost of different types of cultures in the US.

What countries influenced the US the most?

The US is perhaps the most influential country in the world as it is the only global superpower today. Some countries that are heavily influenced by the US include Canada, the UK, Australia, Japan, the Bahamas, and Israel.

What countries is most influenced by the US?

The US is perhaps the most influential country in the world as it is the only global superpower today. Some countries that are heavily influenced by the US include Canada, the UK, Australia, Japan, the Bahamas, and Israel.

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diversity in the new nation's population