They were famous for starting farming.
there were many different types of goverments it just depends on the size of the tribe and the tradition
It depends on the tribe. Do you have a specific tribe in mind?
The Caddos Tribe is located in Texas. This is a tribe of Indians.
The Timuca tribe saw a owl as a sign for bad luck. If a owl looks into your eye it is bad luck. So is if you scare a owl into flight, its bad luck too. However, if one makes a hunting cry, it is good luck, as if the gods and deamons are having pitty on you. When you see a snake on the other hand, it is always bad luck. That is all I know, hope it helps! :)
What are the roles of the people in the timucua tribe
fried ice cream!
the timucuas had a government
pizzasodashakeCheetosflaming hot Cheetosice creambrains
The Timucua would poo, and then for food they ate it.
the timucuan tribe traveled to get food and to stay away from dangerous people and predators. that is why the timucuan tribe traveled.
There is no such thing as "tribe colours". Furthermore, the Timucua were never organised as a single tribe, but were a loose collection of many different peoples speaking 9 or 10 related languages (much like the term Sioux). The Timucua became extinct soon after 1800 so very little is known about them, but they seem to have been distinguished by extensive use of tattoos and clothing of moss, woven cloth and animal hides.
The Timucua tribe chief of 1556 realized that the Spanish had brought diseases, and set the colonists fort/camp on fire and gave them a shower of arrows.
The decline of the Timucua people can be attributed to various factors including disease brought by European explorers, warfare with other Indigenous groups and European colonization. These factors led to population decrease and cultural assimilation, eventually resulting in the disappearance of the Timucua as a distinct tribe.
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The Timucua Indian Tribe lived in Northern Florida... They also lived in Huts, made out of wooden poles stuck in to the ground..... Sometimes there would only be 10 Huts in a Village, but other times there can be 50 to 60 Huts in a village...... The Timucua Indians were one of the first people to come in contact with Europeans. There language was called Timucua language...... The people of the Timucua were said to be average height of 6 feet, or more! They were Hunters, Gathers, and farmers...... This is getting to long........ Well see ya! By Brittany! :)
The Northwest Coast Indians traveled by canoes.