what is the value of a five dollar bill silver certificate
About $1.25
The only bill fitting that description is a silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1923 US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for more information.
The only bill fitting that description is a silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1923 US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for more information.
what is the value of a five dollar bill silver certificate
About $1.25
The only bill fitting that description is a silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1923 US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for more information.
There is no such thing as a 1989 $1 Silver Certificate.
1852 five dollar bill serial number 6486. There are many varieties but they average about $45.00. 1:20 PM, September 06, 2008; Anonymous said. ...coinedformoney.blogspot.com/2006/.../even-im-stumped.html
The only bill fitting that description is a silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1923 US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for more information.
The blue seal indicates your bill is a silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1934 A US 5 dollar silver certificate?" for more information.
There are two extremely valuable silver certificates. The 1928E 1 dollar bill and the 1933 10 dollar bill.
The blue seal indicates your bill is a silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1934 B US 5 dollar silver certificate?" for more information.