Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark, the 1896 Morgan dollar is a common date U.S. coin. Retail values run from $33.00-$39.00 for coins in average collectible condition. Coins that are bent, corroded, scratched, used as jewelery or have been cleaned have far less value if any to a collector or dealer.
Is it a Morgan Silver dollar? Try Aboutdot.coins
Your 1896 Morgan dollar is worth about $10.00 to $30.00 in circulated condition.
The 1896 Morgan dollar is common, circulated coins have retail values of $23.00 to $36.00
Please look at the coin again, the US did not coin $25 dollar denominations in 1896.
The 1896 Morgan dollar is common, circulated coins have retail values of $23.00 to $36.00
One dollar, and they have no silver in them.
$13 to $18
Is it a Morgan Silver dollar? Try Aboutdot.coins
I would like to find the value of a 1896-0 liberty dollar value
It's still worth one dollar.
Unless it is a "proof" coin (actual silver), it is worth one dollar.
Your 1896 Morgan dollar is worth about $10.00 to $30.00 in circulated condition.
In terms of dollar value gold is worth more
The 1896 Morgan dollar is common, circulated coins have retail values of $23.00 to $36.00
Please look at the coin again, the US did not coin $25 dollar denominations in 1896.