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The US dime produced in 1807 was known as a "Draped Bust" dime, and would not be mistaken for an Indian head. In fact, I am not aware of any US dime that could be referred to as an "Indian head" dime.

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Q: What is the value of Indian Head Dime with 1807 on it?
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What is the value of a 1899 Indian head dime?

There were Indian head cents and Liberty head dimes.Please determine which you have and post a new question.

What is value of 1838 Indian head dime?

Check that coin again. There have been Indian head pennies (1859-1909) and nickels (1913-1938), but never on a dime, nor in 1838.

What is the value of a 1914 Indian head dime?

The US has never produced a "Indian Head Dime" of any type. A US dime dated 1914 is of the Barber series of coins. A coin in average collectible condition is $3.00-$5.00.

What is the value of an Indian dime?

I think you mean Indian Head penny! Post a new question with more information.

What is the value of an 1807 Indian head penny?

Please check your coin again and post a new question. Indian head cents were minted from 1859 to mid-1909.

What is the value of an Indian head penny with year 1807?

Indian head pennies were not produced in 1807. A 1907 Indian head penny would be worth a dollar or two in heavily circulated condition, perhaps three to ten dollars in lightly circulated condition, and US$25 or more in uncirculated condition.

What is the value of a 1944 Indian head dime?

The US never minted an "Indian head" dime. The only low-denomination coins with an Indian head design were cents (1859-1909) and nickels (1913-1938) neither of which was minted in 1944 or could be mistaken for a dime. Please check what you have and post a new question.

What is the value of a buffalo nickel and Indian head dime?

This will vary greatly depending on date and mint mark.

What is the value of a 1936 Indian head dime?

Please check your coin again and post a new, separate question. A 1936 dime would have a picture of Miss Liberty on it. The only 1936 coin with an Indian head design is the nickel.

Was there ever a US Indian head dime?


How much is a 1928 silver Indian head dime worth?

no such thing.

What is the value of a Indian head?

An Indian Head what? Post new question.