Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmarks, the 1879 Morgan is a common date. For an accurate assessment of value the coin needs to be seen and graded. Most coins of this year have seen heavy use and show a lot of wear. In general retail values for low grade coins are $32.00-$33.00, better grade are $34.00-$35.00 and coins showing almost no wear run from $36.00-$41.00. Values are a market average and only for coins in collectible condition, coins that are bent, corroded, scratched or have been cleaned have far less value if any to a collector or dealer.
An 1879 S Morgan dollar in MS(Mint State)63 condition is worth somewhere around $64. This is a common date.
1879 S is not a rare date for Morgan dollars. On average if they are in circulated condition they are worth $16.50.
Assuming no mintmarks, circulated Morgan dollars from 1879 are worth $17.00-$26.00 depending on condition.
An 1879 "Silver Dollar" is a Morgan dollar.
The 1879 Morgan dollar is not scarce or rare, assuming it's circulated and has no mintmark, average retail values are $26.00 to $32.00 depending on how much wear the coin has.
An 1879 S Morgan dollar in MS(Mint State)63 condition is worth somewhere around $64. This is a common date.
1879 S is not a rare date for Morgan dollars. On average if they are in circulated condition they are worth $16.50.
Assuming no mintmarks, circulated Morgan dollars from 1879 are worth $17.00-$26.00 depending on condition.
An 1879 "Silver Dollar" is a Morgan dollar.
The 1879 Morgan dollar is not scarce or rare, assuming it's circulated and has no mintmark, average retail values are $26.00 to $32.00 depending on how much wear the coin has.
The 1879 Morgan dollar is not scarce or rare, assuming it's circulated and has no mintmark, average retail values are $30.00 to $41.00 depending on how much wear the coin has.
Peace dollars were made from 1921 to 1935. An 1879 silver dollar is called a Morgan dollar after its designer George T. Morgan. There's more information at the Related Question
Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark, the 1879 Morgan is a high mintage common date, retail values are $17.00-$26.00
The 1879 Morgan dollar with no mint mark is common. A circulated coin is worth $32.00-$39.00. Average Mint State coins are $42.00 to $55.00
The 1879 Morgan dollar with no mint mark is common. A circulated coin is worth $32.00-$39.00. Average Mint State coins are $42.00 to $55.00
The value for an 1879P morgan silver dollar, uncirculated, is about $45 (Red Book) price. If you have any Morgan's that have mintmark, CC, Carson City, the value goes up.
The first silver eagle was made in 1986 not 1879. It's called a MORGAN dollar after the designer George T. Morgan and assuming it's circulated and has no mintmarks, retail value is $17.00-$26.00 the date is very common.