It's a Morgan Dollar not a lady liberty and is also very common with retail values of $17.00-$26.00 for circulated coins depending on grade.
Very common coin $15.00 to $20.00 in circulated condition
W hat is the value of a 1885 silver dollar
Type your answer here... do u mean a morgan dollar? if so what shape is it in good shape is about $30 cc is where the money is
The 1884 is a common Morgan dollar, values are $17.00-$26.00 for average coins.
Very common coin $15.00 to $20.00 in circulated condition
W hat is the value of a 1885 silver dollar
The 1984 Liberty Head Silver Dollar was minted in four locations. The CC for Carson City id the most valuable due to the few produced. The degree of wear and whether the coin was circulated affect the value of the coin.
Type your answer here... do u mean a morgan dollar? if so what shape is it in good shape is about $30 cc is where the money is
The 1884 is a common Morgan dollar, values are $17.00-$26.00 for average coins.
It's about $25.00 just for the silver. The dent kills the collectible value.
Eisenhower was born in 1890 and did not appear on the dollar coin until 1971. A U.S. silver dollar dated 1884 is a MORGAN dollar, the obverse depicts "Miss Liberty" not a real person. The 1884 Morgan dollar is common and assuming the coin is circulated, still in collectible condition and has no mintmarks, values as of 8-29-11 are $37.00-$41.00
The 1884 Morgan Dollar is common, average retail value is $30.00-$40.00 for a example in circulated condition.
The 1884 Morgan Dollar is common, average retail value is $23.00-$31.00 for a example in circulated condition
The 1884 Morgan Dollar is common, average retail value is $30.00-$40.00 for a example in circulated condition.
Your 1884 Trade Dollar is a copy or fake with little or no value. There are only 10 known 1884 Trade Dollars and there all Proof coins