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Peace dollars were minted from late 1921 until 1935, and were issued to commemorate the end of WWI. They're easily identified by the word PEACE on the back.

If your dollar is dated 1896 it's called a Morgan dollar, after its designer George T. Morgan. Please see the Related Question for details.

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Q: What is the value of a 1896 US peace silver dollar?
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What is value of 1896 Lady Liberty silver dollar?

Your 1896 Morgan dollar is worth about $10.00 to $30.00 in circulated condition.

1896 silver dollar?

1896 silver dollar is worth how much?

What is the value of an 1896 US silver certificate?

Three different denominations of silver certificates are dated 1896. Please determine what you have, then look for the questions "What is the value of an 1896 US [denomination] dollar silver certificate?" for specific information.

What is the value of the 1896 one dollar silver coin?

The 1896 Morgan dollar is common, circulated coins have retail values of $23.00 to $36.00

What is the value of an 1896 silver dollar facing right?

If the coin is a U.S. silver dollar dated 1896, it's a Morgan dollar and miss Liberty looks to the left, not the right. But a 1896 Barber half dollar faces the right. Look at the coin again and post new question.

How much does a 1896 silver dollar weigh?

A 1896 silver dollar weighs approximately 26.73 grams.

What is the value of a 1896 Morgan silver dollar with the s mint?

Depending on the grade of the coin it can vary from $8.00 to $19,500.00

Whats the value of 1896 us silver dollar in excellent cond.?

1896 is a common date for Morgan dollars, a typical Mint State coin is $48.00-$55.00

What is an 1896 o morgan silver dollar in ms60 worth?

Current average market value is about $1,000.00 for a certified example.

How much can you sell a 1896 0 au dollar for?

I would like to find the value of a 1896-0 liberty dollar value

What is the value of a 1896 silver dollar very good condition?

The retail value is between $17.00 to $26.00 for circulated coins depending on the actual grade of the coin, it's a very common date Morgan dollar.

Where is the mint mark on a 1896 liberty silver dollar?

If it has one, it is on the reverse just above DO in DOLLAR.