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Your bill should have a red seal and the words UNITED STATES NOTE across the top andbe about 1/3 larger than current bills. If your bill fits that description you should have it checked by a currency dealer because if it's genuine it could be moderately valuable. As of 03/2012 approximate prices are:

Circulated: $450 to $1250 depending on the bill's condition

Uncirculated: $3600

Serial Numbers

A bill's serial number is a counter and a security feature. In most cases it doesn't affect a bill's value or help to identify it. Some collectors specialize in bills with low serial numbers (e.g. 00000005) or unusual patterns (12344321) so these can bring above-average prices.

In God We Trust

That motto didn't appear on $10 bills until 1963 so it's normal for it to be "missing" from a 1923 bill.

DISCLAIMER: The values quoted are market averages as of the date shown, but may be different for an individual bill due to variations in quality and other factors. Also the wholesale (buying) price of a bill will be less than the selling (retail) price. A reputable currency dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on an in-person inspection.

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What is the value of a 1923 hamilton 10 dollar bill As
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In perfect condition
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Does anyone have an idea of the value of this bill ? Is it worth anything ?

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Q: What is the value of a 1923 US 10 dollar bill?
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Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question. The last red-seal $10 bills were large-size United States Notes issued in 1923.

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