Please turn the coin over and check its denomination. You'll find it's a HALF dollar.
There's more information at the Related Question.
Look at the back of the coin, the phrase Half Dollar is under the eagle. No silver one dollar coins were made after 1935. The 1941 Walking Liberty half dollar is common and circulated coins are valued at about $7.00.
The U.S. did not print any $1 certificates with that date.
The US didn't print any bills dated 1941.
what is the current value of an 1878 silver dollar
Sorry no US silver dollar coins dated 1826
No US silver dollars were made after 1935, look at the back of the coin for 'Half Dollar'.
The U.S. did not print any $1 certificates with that date.
The US didn't print any bills dated 1941. Please check again and post a new, separate question.
The US didn't print any bills dated 1941. Please check again and post a new, separate question.
The US didn't print any bills dated 1941.
A real silver dollar has a $25.00 value just for the silver.
what is the current value of an 1878 silver dollar
Sorry no US silver dollar coins dated 1826
No US silver dollars were made after 1935, look at the back of the coin for 'Half Dollar'.
The US never printed 100 dollar silver certificates with this date.
current silver troy ounce value
Value is for the silver about $2.50