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The last Liberty (or "Mercury") head dime was minted in 1945 so you cannot have one with a 1949 date. All dimes minted since 1946 carry the familiar portrait of Franklin Roosevelt.

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Q: What is the value of a 1949 liberty head dime?
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What is the Value of 1918 silver liberty head dime?

A 1918 Dime - aka - Winged Liberty/Mercury Dime - is worth in good condition (G4): $4; if its mint state is MS60, the value is: $70.

What is the value of a 1926 liberty head dime?

$2.00-$4.00 in average condition

What is a 1941 silver liberty head dime worth?

A 1941 Winged Liberty head Dime - aka - Mercury Dime - in good condition (G4) is worth: $2; if the mint state is MS60, its value rises to: $8.00.

How much is a1942 Liberty head dime worth?

a 1942 Mercury Head dime is very common, if it has any wear the value is for the silver about $2.00.

Value of a 1945 liberty head dime?

If it has any wear at all the value is just for the silver about $2.00.

What is the value of a 1946 liberty head dime?

Please check your dime again. The last Liberty Head dimes were dated 1945. All dimes made since then carry a portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

What is the value of a 1899 Indian head dime?

There were Indian head cents and Liberty head dimes.Please determine which you have and post a new question.

What year liberty dime has most value?

It would most likely be the 1894-S Barber (Liberty Head) dime with only 24 made. One sold at auction for about $1.9 million.

What is the value of a 1944 lady liberty San Francisco mint dime?

The coin is referred to as a Mercury Head or Winged Liberty Head Dime, 1944-S is a common date/mintmark coin and circulated examples valued at $2.00-$5.00

What years were the liberty head dimes minted?

The Liberty Head Dime, also called the Barber Dime, was minted from 1892 through 1916.

Whose head in on the 1912 dime?

That's a Barber or Liberty head dime. Face shot of Liberty w/cap & wreath designed by Barber.

How can you tell if a dime is winged head or mercury?

A dime with a winged head design will have a portrait of Liberty wearing a winged cap, while a Mercury dime will have a depiction of Liberty with a winged Phrygian cap. The winged head design is more commonly associated with the Barber series, whereas the Mercury dimes were minted from 1916 to 1945.